Currently crushing on Mara Hoffman everything

11 May 2017

mara hoffman, ss17, summer, dresses, primary colours,

Red, Blue, Yellow dresses, all Mara Hoffman

At this exact moment my countdown app says that holiday time is T minus 2 days. 2 days people. Tickets were booked in January so you can imagine my excitement levels are high -a toddler that has eaten its weight in sugar has nothing on me. The weeks leading up to this date in time I have been gathering inspiration, dreaming up outfits to take with me, fantasizing about foreign delicacies and doing practically everything I can to mentally avoid accepting the Londonian weather. 

I must admit I wasn't particularly wowed by the offering on the high street (especially quality-wise) and unfortunately my budget does not allow me to indulge in pricy items that serve only one purpose. The fact that I haven't been to a proper summery holiday for over 2 years is only proves that I cannot justify buying this gorgeous hat or even this frayed hem wonder -but I will happily settle for this. Is it still an investment piece if the next time I'll wear it is in 5 years? But who knows? I might be a pirate by then in which case, it will get worn a lot. 

So as I was browsing and browsing the never ending online virtual shelves (Matrix white space scene flashback anyone?) I stumbled upon the beauty that is the SS17 Mara Hoffman collection. Everything is to die for. I got a bit creative and dreamt of a warm sandy place far far away. 

Maybe she's born with it, maybe it's Hockney.

mara hoffman, ss17, summer, swimwear, bikini, swimsuit, colourful, primary colours,

Look at those colours, 

Yellow, multi, red swimsuits all Mara Hoffman.

Ruffles away!mara hoffman, ss17, summer, colourful, stripes, red, bandeau top, wide leg trousers, primary colours,

These co-ords look good paired together or mixed and matched, not to mention with the rest of my wardrobe. 

Paint me like one of your swimsuits*.

mara hoffman, ss17, summer, swimwear, bikini, swimsuit, colourful, primary colours,

(*Do you think Leo would have giggled? I certainly did.)

This post is not sponsored, I just really, RULLY, love their summer collection.


1 comment

  1. Just discovered your blog through Instagram, and it's safe to say I'm hooked. Obsessed with your witty writing style + c o l o r f u l visuals. Thanks for the inspo on a not-so-inspiring Tuesday! :)

    xo, Anjerika


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