the F word

21 March 2017

VIDEO clothing, knitwear, knit, fbloggers, sweater, jumper, greek brand
VIDEO clothing, knitwear, knit, fbloggers, sweater, jumper, greek brand
VIDEO clothing, knitwear, knit, fbloggers, sweater, jumper, greek brand
knit VIDEO clothing | cut off shorts vintage Levi's (similar)

images taken by Koel


Freelance life has been treating me well, I will not lie. I started off with a couple of days that I treated as days off to detach myself from the office environment and to help me reset and rest up a bit. I found it a bit difficult to form a routine in the beginning, I had a variety of projects I was involved with and very little time for my own projects. The whole point of me going freelance was so I could find more time to focus on creating more content for this blog and accelerate the growth of my two brands; VIDEO clothing & Little Darling. After having a go at it for a month now, I'm happy to report that I have gotten it down to a T. As with any new project, I have done a copious amount of research and even more trial and error to see what does and what doesn't work for me. 


There is an unprecedented lack of anxiety, my creative juices are flowing and my mind generates ideas quicker than I can keep up with. It's refreshing and feels oh so good. The possibilities seem endless and it's just plain awesome that my 9 to 5 helps me grow my businesses rather than someone else's. They have been my "side hustles" for quite a while now and it's finally their time! 


Of course there are some downs to the whole freelance thing. Keeping organised has to be the number one. I try to keep organised and stick to my to do list but sometimes, I'll admit, I get distracted. Basically a fully stocked fridge in close proximity means snack breaks every single hour. Without fail. Sometimes it will be a hefty newsletter from a course I did a while ago or popping to the post office to pick up some parcels. I have learned that allocating time to all the things that interest me / I need to do makes me more efficient.


No it's not f-leece but cozy / comforting / makes me feel like a million bucks wool. I quickly realised that my brain thinks I'm at work when wearing actual clothes and not pyjamas. I tend to wear my VIDEO knits whilst I go about my day as I like feeling comfortable but presentable in case I need to nip out to run errands. Somedays I will have meetings to attend so a quick swap of my denim cut offs with a pair of tapered trousers (like these) does the trick. 

There's more bits I'd love to share with you so I might turn this into a series. The Selfmade series.

Any freelancers out there? I would love to hear how you tackle freelance life! 


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